Africa Daily Insight

President Tinubu's First Year in Office: Economic Struggles and Unfulfilled Promises May, 30 2024

Marking One Year: President Bola Tinubu's Tenure So Far

Nigeria's President Bola Tinubu has marked his first year in office, a tenure that has been met with mixed reactions from citizens across the nation. Upon entering office, Tinubu promised a period of 'renewed hope' and a revitalized Nigeria. However, the optimism that accompanied his election has been tempered by a host of economic challenges that many Nigerians continue to grapple with.

The Impact of Rising Petrol Prices

One of the most immediate concerns for Nigerians has been the significant spike in petrol prices. The increase has had a ripple effect, driving up the costs of goods and services and severely impacting the disposable income of many households. This shift has been keenly felt by individuals like Ajani Lola, a civil servant based in Nigeria's southwest region, who describes the past year as one marked by 'untold hardship.' The rising cost of basic necessities has strained family budgets, making it increasingly difficult for many Nigerians to make ends meet.

Unfulfilled Promises: Economic and Social Policies

When Bola Tinubu took office, he laid out an ambitious manifesto aimed at tackling the country's numerous challenges. Key promises included job creation, boosting local production, strategic investments in agriculture and public infrastructure, and enhancing national security. However, according to barrister Oladipo Kazeem-Adebowale, Tinubu's administration has fallen short in delivering on these fundamental needs. Job creation has been sluggish, local industries are still underperforming, and despite some initiatives, the agricultural sector has not seen the transformative changes that were promised.

Policymaking and Reforms: A Mixed Bag

Policymaking and Reforms: A Mixed Bag

Tinubu's government has been active in terms of policymaking and introducing reforms. These efforts have been aimed at addressing the multifaceted issues confronting Nigeria, from economic recovery to national security. However, progress has been uneven. While some areas have seen improvements, others lag behind. Security remains a persistent issue in several regions, and the pace of infrastructure development has not met the expectations set forth by the administration.

Economic Struggles: Inflation and Unemployment

The slow pace of economic recovery has left many Nigerians still grappling with inflation and unemployment. Prices of everyday items have soared, making life increasingly challenging. The government's efforts to stabilize the economy through various policies have not yet translated into tangible benefits for the average citizen. Economic analysts observe that while there have been strides in certain areas, significant work remains to fully realize the administration's goals of improving the lives of all Nigerians.

Security Challenges and Infrastructure

Security challenges remain a troubling aspect of life in Nigeria. In some regions, threats from insurgent groups and local conflicts continue to disrupt daily life. The government's response has been criticized as insufficient, with calls for a more robust and effective strategy to ensure safety and security for all citizens. On the infrastructure front, progress has been sporadic. Although there have been some notable developments, the overall pace of infrastructure projects has not matched the urgency and scope needed to address the country's long-standing issues.

The Road Ahead: What Lies in Year Two?

The Road Ahead: What Lies in Year Two?

As President Tinubu enters his second year in office, the question remains whether he can turn the tide and fulfill the promises that brought him to power. The challenges are immense, but the roadmap has been laid out. It will require not only political will but also substantial investment and coordinated efforts across various sectors to achieve the desired outcomes. Nigerians are watching closely, hopeful yet wary, as they await tangible improvements in their daily lives.

Public Sentiment and Expectations

The public sentiment towards Tinubu's administration remains a mix of hope and skepticism. Many Nigerians still hold on to the promises of a better and more prosperous future, but the ongoing economic and security challenges test their patience and resolve. For Tinubu, the next steps will be crucial in defining his legacy and his ability to steer the nation towards a more stable and prosperous trajectory.


In conclusion, Bola Tinubu's first year in office has been a period of significant challenges and mixed outcomes. While there have been efforts to address Nigeria's complex issues, the results have been uneven. Rising petrol prices, inflation, and security concerns continue to burden the citizens, and the promised economic renewal still feels out of reach for many. As Tinubu looks ahead to his second year, the pressure mounts to deliver on the promises that brought him to power and to bring about the meaningful change that Nigerians desperately seek.